Success Stories

Entenza Music

E-Commerce & Events Website

Customer Background: Entenza Music is an esteemed music events company based in the NYC-Tristate area, known for organizing and promoting vibrant live music events. Their mission is to bring music lovers together, showcasing both established and emerging artists across a variety of genres. Entenza Music has established a strong community presence but seeks to expand its reach and streamline event promotion and ticket sales through a dedicated online platform.


To create a dynamic, visually appealing website for Entenza Music that effectively promotes upcoming events, enhances the brand’s visibility, and offers an intuitive ticket purchasing experience. The website should serve as the central hub for event information, artist profiles, and multimedia content, designed to engage the community and boost event attendance.

Key Requirements:

  • Event Showcase: Design an engaging section to highlight upcoming events with detailed descriptions, artist bios, and multimedia elements (e.g., images, music samples).
  • Ticket Sales Integration: Seamlessly integrate a ticket purchasing system that is secure, user-friendly, and efficient, enabling fans to buy tickets directly from the site.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the website offers a seamless experience on desktop and mobile devices, catering to music fans on-the-go.
  • Social Media Integration: Incorporate social media links and features to foster community engagement and promote sharing of event information.
  • SEO Optimization: Optimize the site for search engines to increase online visibility and attract more visitors to Entenza Music events.
  • Brand Alignment: The website’s design and tone should reflect Entenza Music’s brand identity—dynamic, inclusive, and passionate about live music.

Success Metrics

  • Growth in online ticket sales and reduction in sales through third-party platforms.
  • Increased traffic to the website and longer engagement times from visitors.
  • Positive feedback from the community on the website’s design and functionality.


  • Completion is targeted within a 7-day timeframe, requiring swift and decisive feedback from Entenza Music on design elements, content, and functionality to meet the ambitious deadline.


  1. A fully functional, SEO-optimized website tailored to the needs of a music events company.
  2. Direct ticket sales functionality integrated into the site.
  3. A dynamic events calendar with detailed event information and artist profiles.
  4. Initial set-up of social media integrations to enhance community engagement.
  5. Training for Entenza Music staff on how to update event listings and content.

Outcome & Testimonial

This project is poised to significantly enhance Entenza Music’s online presence, making it the go-to destination for fans seeking live music experiences in the NYC-Tristate area. By providing a comprehensive, engaging platform, Entenza Music will not only elevate its brand but also foster a stronger connection with its audience, ultimately driving higher attendance at events.

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Our 7-day website process is designed for efficiency in 4 easy steps, Strategy, Design, Development and Launch. We start with a detailed form to allow us to dive deep into your vision and objectives. Followed by a consultation to understand your needs, then proceed with rapid development, feedback loops, and revisions. Our goal is to deliver a fully functional website within the specified timeframe.

To kick off the process smoothly, we provide an easy to fill guided form to help you provide important information like branding guidelines, and any specific features or functionalities along with your business goals. 

Our intension is to be of support to you and to help you succeed. Our easy support and maintenance service after launch helps ensure that your website evolves with your brand. You simply submit the request and within 1-2 business days we make any update. 

Our website package typically includes strategy, design, development, foundational SEO, content integration. We also offer support and maintenance for a $100 monthly fee. 

We prioritize understanding your brand during the consultation phase and incorporate your brand elements (colors, logo, tone) into the design. Regular feedback sessions ensure we align the website with your vision. You will have a dedicated designer to your team to make sure we keep consistency. 

While our standard process is 7-day turnaround, some projects may vary. We’ll communicate any potential delays transparently and work closely with you to find the best solution. 

Yes, we provide post-launch support and maintenance monthly subscription. This ensures your website remains secure, up-to-date, and performs optimally.

Payment is typically divided into two parts: an initial deposit to initiate the project and a final payment upon completion. Specific terms will be outlined in our agreement.

Certainly! We can integrate various third-party tools or services based on your needs, expanding the functionality of your website.

We incorporate SEO practices during the development phase. For a more comprehensive SEO strategy, we can discuss additional services to enhance your website’s visibility.

While maintenance is recommended for optimal performance and security, it’s optional. Without it, you may be responsible for updates and troubleshooting or any downtime.

Maintenance and support are separate but we offer a monthly maintenance subscription service.

All rights reserve Over the Fold LLC. 2024

Disclaimer: The information and services provided by Over the Fold LLC are on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Over the Fold LLC makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of our services, or the information, content, materials, or products included on our platform. ALL TESTIMONIALS ARE REAL.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information and services, Over the Fold LLC does not guarantee the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of this information. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation.

Clients are responsible for conducting their own due diligence and making decisions that are best for their own business. Over the Fold LLC shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of our services or the content provided on or through our platform.

To achieve the completion of websites within 7 days, full cooperation from our clients is essential. This includes, but is not limited to, prompt responses, timely approvals, and providing all necessary information as requested. Over the Fold LLC shall not be liable for delays or inability to deliver services as promised if a client fails to meet these cooperation requirements.

Your use of our services and reliance on any information on the platform is solely at your own risk. We reserve the right to make changes to our site, policies, and these terms of use at any time without notice.